Künstlerhaus Dortmund
- COUNTRY:Germany
- CITY:Dortmund

About the program
Kuenstlerhaus Dortmund is a place for all kinds of contemporary visual arts: Painting, sculpture, graphics as well as photography, film, video, room-installation and new media. This scope of artistic discipline can be found in the members work, as well as in the group exhibitions, which are curated by Kuenstlerhaus members, and feature domestic and international artists from around the world. With a focus on contemporary and experimental work, the Kuenstlerhaus is unique in supporting young and emerging artists. This enriches the cultural landscape of Dortmund, which consists of museums and commercial galleries that mostly feature solo exhibitions. The Kuenstlerhaus creates a free space for the arts, offers optimum working conditions for artists from Germany and abroad, and attempts to reach the interested public through direct and personal mediation.Since 2005 the Kuenstlerhaus offers an additional option for foreign artists resident outside of Germany: the Summer Residency during the summer months June until August.
Built in 1924, the house was a “Waschkaue” and an administration building for the “Schacht Westfalia” coal mining operations. Later, it served as the offices for the “Westfaelische Wohnstaetten AG”, and as an administration building for the “Deutsche Edelstahlwerke”. Eventually, it was taken over by the Design College of Dortmund. Almost demolished in 1983, it was squatted by a group of students from the college. They founded the independent artist’s organization “Kuenstlerhaus Dortmund e.V.”.Language
German / English
Application deadline
Application period is open from October 1 – 31 every yearDuration
4 – 6 weeks during the summer upon mutual agreementAccommodation information
Combined living/bedroom with kitchen and bathroom, shared toiletStudio information
Private studio on the ground floor (50 sqm min.)Technical information
Wood workshop, WLAN, LAN
What the AiR provides
- Travel costs subsidy up to 500 EUR, more if necessary
- Per diem of 10 EUR
- Subsidy to production/material costs up to 500 EUR
- Possibility for a presentation or artist talk
What the Artist pays
Health insuranceHow to apply
Foreign artists from every field of visual arts and without restriction of age can apply. Applications with completed application form and portfolio – documentation of work, cv, catalogues, CD/DVD – and preferentially with a project proposal should be sent to the Kuenstlerhaus Dortmund. The jury is composed of a varying group of Kuenstlerhaus members. Applications by e-mail cannot be considered.Outcome
There is the possibility of a work presentation organized by the Kuenstlerhaus at the end of the stay.
Address: Sunderweg 1, 44147 Dortmund, GermanyTel: +49 231 820304 / Fax: +49 231 826847
E-mail: buero@kh-do.de
Website: Künstlerhaus Dortmund / Facebook / Instagram
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