#performance #dance #music #review Review: Otomo Yoshihide and Tanaka Min: For Those Proud to Be Born on This Planet—Improvisation!! @ THEATRE E9 KYOTOTanaka Min and Otomo Yoshihide’s “Waiting for Godot – Day 3”By Ozaki Tetsuya 2022.08.03
#performance #art #music #review ReviewReview of the public experiment “GEIST – Development of automatic musical instruments, input-output devices, and compositional/performance methods, with a view to creating a ‘multidimensional acoustic space'”By Miwa Masahiro 2022.04.12
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#screening #performance #art #dance #music #review ReviewScreening of new Dumb Type performance 2020By Aoki Jun 2021.02.26
#realkyoto archive #video #youtube #essay #dance #music #review ReviewWaiting for CurrentzisBy Asada Akira 2020.10.01